Thursday, 16 October 2014

Craft Barn Challenge Destiny or Gift


I had a wonderful time in Nepal and enjoyed every single day. I visited towns, villages, temples and even white water rafted. No hiking though, which in view of recent events was just as well. There was excellent wifi in most hotels/guesthouses so I think I managed to visit everyone. Does that me good for keeping up or sad for having my phone on...who knows.

I have chosen destiny this week and a quote by Winston Churchill.

'It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time'

I spritzed on a background and drew on mountains. I filled the mountains with time and stamped glasses over then as if trying to look forward. Lastly I added the word destiny in a linked chain. I think we are all guilty at some point of worrying about the future and not concentrating on and appreciating the now.

Hope you like.

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